The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 10
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- Publication date
- 1998-01-13
- Topics
- The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge Ancient History, New Cambridge History Medieval History, Cambridge Medieval History, History of World, World History, Medieval History, Encyclopedia of Medieval World, Medieval World, Medieval History, Encyclopedia, English Encyclopedia, Medieval History, Classic History, Middle Ages, History of Middle Ages, Encyclopedia, Warfare, History of Warfare, Medieval Wars, Medieval History, History of Medieval, History of Warfare, Encyclopedia of Battles, Battles of the World, World War, Second World War, First World War, History of world war, World war History, World Wars
- Collection
- folkscanomy_encyclopedia; folkscanomy; additional_collections
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 787.9M
The period described in this volume begins in the year after the death of Julius Caesar and ends in the year after the fall of Nero. Its main theme is the transformation of the political configuration of the state to a dynastic monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Empire. Central to the period is the achievement of the first emperor, Augustus.
- Publisher : Cambridge University Press; 2nd Revised & enlarged edition (April 26, 1996)
- Language: : English
- Hardcover : 1090 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0521264308
- ISBN-13 : 978-0521264303
- Item Weight : 4.02 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.34 x 2.51 x 9.3 inches
- Addeddate
- 2020-12-26 19:25:49
- Coverleaf
- 0
- Identifier
- the-cambridge-ancient-history-vol.-10
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t0ps7pf15
- Ocr
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- Ppi
- 300
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
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